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Qld bikies can fill out 'resignation' form

Written By Unknown on Selasa, 24 Juni 2014 | 17.52

QUEENSLAND bikies and their associates can fill out a form to declare they are no longer part of an outlaw group. THE Queensland Police Service website has a questionnaire asking people to describe the steps they have taken to "disassociate"....
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Senator breaks into song during farewell

Senator Ursula Stephens has burst into song during her valedictory speech. Source: AAP LEAVING parliament may be a blessing in disguise for Labor Senator Ursula Stephens, who looks prepped to shine on another stage - in showbiz. THE Irish-born...
17.52 | 0 komentar | Read More

China FTA to be completed this year: Robb

Trade Minister Andrew Robb is confident free trade agreement with China will be completed this year. Source: AAP TRADE Minister Andrew Robb is confident the free trade agreement with China will be completed this year. MR Robb and Treasurer...
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Vatican overturned bishop's ban on priest

Brian Lucas has been asked to explain why he didn't take notes when interviewing abusive priests. Source: AAP IT took almost 20 years for the pope to defrock an Australian priest for allegedly indecently assaulting a boy, the royal commission...
17.52 | 0 komentar | Read More

Tax, security info at cyber attack risk

TAX and social security records and national security information remains vulnerable to cyber attacks, a new report shows. AN auditor-general review of seven major government agencies found that none complied with the required cyber security...
17.52 | 0 komentar | Read More

Salvos sorry for abuse 'greatest failure'

Written By Unknown on Senin, 23 Juni 2014 | 17.52

The Salvation Army will again give evidence at the child sex abuse royal commission in Sydney. Source: AAP THE Salvation Army says it is profoundly sorry for the abuse suffered by children in its care, and events revealed by the royal commission...
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Vic firies will be paid for mine fire: MFB

Victorian firefighters have begun legal action to recover wages owed since the Hazelwood mine fire. Source: AAP FIREFIGHTERS involved in battling Victoria's mine fire will be paid outstanding entitlements for their efforts this week, the...
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Vic 'palm reader' jailed for assaults

A VICTORIAN man who used an offer to read women's palms as a ruse to sexually assault them while travelling on a train has been jailed for at least 10 months. AJAY Chopra, 41, had pleaded guilty to all five charges relating to the assaults on...
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Labor, coalition in cost of living battle

Prime Minister Tony Abbott will personally reintroduce a bill to axe the carbon tax. Source: AAP LABOR and the coalition have traded blows over cost-of-living pressures as the government reintroduced its carbon tax repeal bills. THE government...
17.52 | 0 komentar | Read More

Peter Greste jailed for 7 years in Egypt

Tony Abbott has lobbied Egypt's new president for the release of journalist Peter Greste (pic). Source: AAP AUSTRALIAN journalist Peter Greste and his Al Jazeera colleagues accused of aiding the blacklisted Muslim Brotherhood have been jailed...
17.52 | 0 komentar | Read More
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