Beiber announces his retirement on Twitter

Written By Unknown on Rabu, 25 Desember 2013 | 17.52

Justin Bieber has tweeted that he intents to retire, but he has told fans he will be "here forever". Source: AAP

JUSTIN Beiber has used Twitter to announce his retirement.

In a tweet that caused a Christmas Day social media frenzy, the 19-year-old superstar said: "My beloved beliebers I'm officially retiring."

But he later tweeted that he would never leave his fans and that he was "here forever".

The original tweet was retweeted almost 200,000 time in three hours, according to Twitter.

This is not the first time the celebrity has hinted that he plans to retire.

He told a Los Angeles radio station on December 19 that he intended to take a break from his music career.

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Beiber announces his retirement on Twitter

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